Sorry for the repeat post, but none of the others seem to answer the questions. I downloaded Evolution + the loose disks for LDoN and GoD, downloaded the SoD patcher, and attempted to run the game (loading eqgame.exe in EQW). When I attempts to open I get the error, "Error opening packed file system" and the Asian characters. I am running on an XP system and have the patcher inside my "EQ-SoD" folder like the tutorial on the wiki says. I have reinstalled twice now as it was suggested to another person on here, but still no luck. I tried having the patcher in its own folder and also just mixed in with the rest in the EQ folder. Neither worked, any help is appreciated. I listed my disks cause it seemed that there was some debate over whether or not titanium is the only way to go, but I have all the expansions that would be included, just a little confused