Error opening packed file


Dalayan Beginner
Sorry for the repeat post, but none of the others seem to answer the questions. I downloaded Evolution + the loose disks for LDoN and GoD, downloaded the SoD patcher, and attempted to run the game (loading eqgame.exe in EQW). When I attempts to open I get the error, "Error opening packed file system" and the Asian characters. I am running on an XP system and have the patcher inside my "EQ-SoD" folder like the tutorial on the wiki says. I have reinstalled twice now as it was suggested to another person on here, but still no luck. I tried having the patcher in its own folder and also just mixed in with the rest in the EQ folder. Neither worked, any help is appreciated. I listed my disks cause it seemed that there was some debate over whether or not titanium is the only way to go, but I have all the expansions that would be included, just a little confused
Evolution will not work. It's not the full game. You need to find one of the recommended versions (Titanium, Anniversary, etc.).
So just to be sure, using Evolution during my installation automatically makes the game not work? I just want to make sure there was not a confusion thinking that I am trying to play only having the evolution set. I also installed the lost dungeons of norrath and gates of discord discs as well, which is all the expansion that would be on titanium correct?
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