Dalayan Elder
Starting SoD Patcher version 1.92 at 05/05/14 - 17:30:38
Retrieving patcher CRC.
Loading server file list from
Loading local file list from C:\Users\kaledesktop\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\sodfiles.txt
Checking target: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\EverQuest\eqstr_us.txt
Error writing data from source to destination!
Above is the log file not entirely sure how to fix this i can play sod just fine but i get this error everytime i run the patcher its annoying and id like to get rid of it.
Retrieving patcher CRC.
Loading server file list from
Loading local file list from C:\Users\kaledesktop\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\sodfiles.txt
Checking target: C:\Program Files (x86)\Sony\EverQuest\eqstr_us.txt
Error writing data from source to destination!
Above is the log file not entirely sure how to fix this i can play sod just fine but i get this error everytime i run the patcher its annoying and id like to get rid of it.