error 1001


Dalayan Beginner
I know there is already an old topic on this, but in the topic it says if the site is down, you get this error, well the site is up, and i just got this error. any ideas why, sorry if this is a stupid question and already answered, just been a bad 4 or so days trying to get this to work.
man does anyone not know, at least can you tell me if its just cause the site has been down, and having problems, or if its something i screwed up, i followed the guide to the point.
if you followed the guide to a point, as you say, the problem likely lies outside of your computer.

Although it is curious. I stopped playing for about a month, and i claimed my account after i stopped playing (before EQEmu went crazy too). However I just logged on a few times over the weekend. I got a couple errors trying to log in (i knew i would, but i wanted to see what would happen anyway), and all i did was download manual patch, and just to be safe, redownloaded hotfix and installed both. After that i was able to log in just fine (in fact login seemed faster ???).

for the sake of new players i'll try to help ya out, even tho it may not even be a problem with your machine. Please post up very detailed steps on what you did, from EQ install to logining in. list what you downloaded where and what you did to install it (where you put it once you had it). folder names and such would be appreciated. i'm just trying to be thurough, you understand.
I made the forum account, and the LS account 1 of 3.
I installed EQ evolutions.
Downloaded both WR patcher, and WR hotfix.
Installed the patcher in folder c/programfiles/sony/everquest
Unziped the hotfix in the same folder
I ran WR patcher, it downloaded many files, i believe 77, and when it was done i clicked run, everquest opened like it always did, i entered my LS account name and password, i got error 1001.

also did that help file thing, to see if it would help.
Unzip this file into the help directory in your Everquest folder. It will replace the current help.html file.
If you don't get a prompt to replace the file, you did it wrong.
that help file is in the hotfix.

sound like you did everything right. sux to say it but you'll have to wait until EQ Emu gets their act together. i was thinking to try and create a new account to see if i could duplicate the error but obviously that isn't possible right now.

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