Error 1001, can't connect, can't make a new account


Dalayan Beginner
So I've been trying to set up SoD the last couple of days, I haven't played here in a number of years. I finally managed to get the patcher working and got to the login screen. When I try to log in with any of my old accounts (requested a list be sent to my email), I have 3 that I recognize, and 1 that I do not.

Anyways, I try to log in with the 3 that I recognize and all 3 come up with an Error 1001 can't connect to server. So I tried to make a new account with the same email I've used for like 15 years and get this message:

Did someone somehow make an account with my email and proceed to abuse it and get my email and accounts flagged? Is this why I'm unable to log in? Because there is no other reasons why I shouldn't be able to connect. The game is allowed through my firewall, ports are forwarded, I tried DMZing myself through my router, I tried turning off my routers firewall, nothing has worked to let me in.

The account I don't recognize is dummothh. The other 3 that are registered to my email are logins I regularly use.

Help! I just want to play.
You could try E-mailing the staff. Woldo or Slaar could probably look into this quicker for you.

[email protected] is Woldo's E-mail, it's pretty available all over the forums so I don't think he'd mind an E-mail from a returning player.
Are you sure you are connected to SoD and not live or some other server? Basically, did you follow the installation instruction correctly? The only time I have ever seen that error is when I was setting up my own EQ server to play with, and I was screwing up the server connection information. This is clearly some kind of issue with you connecting to the server.

Did you repatch all when you ran the patcher so the patcher updates the server connection information?

Try disabling your firewalls and antivirus and then connecting.

If none of that works try setting up a VPN tunnel and connecting. Cyberghost VPN might work.

are you connecting from school, office, home???
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Yes I am connected to SoD, it has its own folder to load out of, completely separate from my Live folder, and separate from my Project 1999 folder. The installation instructions are pretty straight forward, I even went through the trouble of doing it twice from scratch out of fresh Titanium installs.

Yes I repatched all.

Firewalls and AV are allowing connections for this specific folder, .exes, etc. I even tried disabling them for testing purposes.

I'm connecting from home, and will have to try a VPN if nothing else is working.

My concern is, why can't I create a new account with my email address? If I can't do that then something is telling me my accounts are locked, or at the very least inaccessible and not allowing me to connect.

Thanks for the replies anyhow, I'll mess around with it later.
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The admins are on irc daily. They don't always respond right away, but if you need confirmation of an account being active/disabled that would be a good place to start.

Also, a search for the 1001 error on these forums has pretty much everyone with this issue indicating it is caused by a blocked traffic problem. This is why I asked it you are connecting from home/work/school and suggested disabling av/fw as a test (instead of just allowing access to the specific folder).

Good luck man, we'd love to have you rejoin the community!
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