EQWindows Commands


Dalayan Beginner
Could anyone please direct me towards an area where I may find a list of the EQWindows commands. Ctrl Alt Tab doesnt seem to be working for me to get out of the window for SoD and Im hoping that Im just using the wrong command. At the moment I can only see half of the game screen when I start up which could make playing difficult :p Thanks in advance for your help.

I don't know of a link per say with the info you need but I can list a few of the default commands I'm familiar with ..

* Ctrl - Alt - S = switches between EQW screens
* Alt - Tab = switches between running appications/browsers open (at least for me it does, my hubby's cpu won't let him use this)
* Alt - Enter = maximizes the EQW screen (to change the resolution from the default you have to go to the options window and the display tab -- in game -- and mess with the resolution settings to fit your preference)
* Ctrl - Alt - R = releases the mouse cursor
Check the eqw.ini file which comes along eqw.exe , it has all commands with their associated hotkeys. That is how I changed it, since "ctrl alt r" seemed already way too complicated : (of course it may seem more natural to make "alt tab" for switching windows, feel free to change it your way)

ReleaseMouse=Ctrl Z
EQWSwitch=Ctrl X

These two are the most useful, in this case when I hit "ctrl X" I switch to my second client, and when I hit "ctrl z" I I get the windows cursor to check MSN , IRC or whatever. Of course if you have 2 separate SoD folders (which I suggest even if it takes 4Gigs x2) you have to change the commands in both eqw.ini.
Hope it helps a bit.
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