EQType numbers list


Dalayan Beginner
I am working on a SoD compatible UI and I need a list of usable functioning EQType numbers for the server. Can I get that from anyone please?
Not ever doing UI work for EQ, I have no idea what you are requesting. But if you give me an example I bet I can find the info.
Thanks very much
Here is a snippet of code from xml for group window
In it the value <EQType>11</EQType>
which references or calls the Gauge
I am trying to find out if pet mana stamina and hp can be called for group members and wanting to know the corresponding EQTypes for all the different things I can call.
Hope this helps and thanks again

<Gauge item = "GW_Gauge1">
Not sure if they are using the same type lists as eqemu, since its an older client: but try this link and see if you can find what you are looking for:


addendum: found this in a file i had. maybe this is what you seek:

Labels EQType:
1 = Name
2 = Level
3 = Class
4 = Deity
5 = Strength
6 = Stamina
7 = Dexterity
8 = Agility
9 = Wisdom
10 = Intelligence
11 = Charisma
12 = Save vs Poison
13 = Save vs Disease
14 = Save vs Fire
15 = Save vs Cold
16 = Save vs Magic
17 = Current Hit Points
18 = Maximum Hit Points
19 = Hit Point Percentage
20 = Mana Percentage
21 = Stamina Percentage
22 = Armor Class
23 = Attack
24 = Weight
25 = Maximum Weight
26 = Experience Percentage
27 = Alternate Experience Percentage
28 = Target Name
29 = Target Hit Point Percentage
30 = Group Member 1 Name
31 = Group Member 2 Name
32 = Group Member 3 Name
33 = Group Member 4 Name
34 = Group Member 5 Name
35 = Group Member 1 Health Pecentage
36 = Group Member 2 Health Pecentage
37 = Group Member 3 Health Pecentage
38 = Group Member 4 Health Pecentage
39 = Group Member 5 Health Pecentage
40 = Group Pet 1 Health Pecentage
41 = Group Pet 2 Health Pecentage
42 = Group Pet 3 Health Pecentage
43 = Group Pet 4 Health Pecentage
44 = Group Pet 5 Health Pecentage
45 = Buff 1
46 = Buff 2
47 = Buff 3
48 = Buff 4
49 = Buff 5
50 = Buff 6
51 = Buff 7
52 = Buff 8
53 = Buff 9
54 = Buff 10
55 = Buff 11
56 = Buff 12
57 = Buff 13
58 = Buff 14
59 = Buff 15
60 = Spell 1
61 = Spell 2
62 = Spell 3
63 = Spell 4
64 = Spell 5
65 = Spell 6
66 = Spell 7
67 = Spell 8
68 = Player's Pet Name
69 = Player's Pet HP percent
70 = Player Current HP / Player Max HP (Note: will break 17 and 18 if used, and color indicates condition)
71 = Current Alternate Advancement points available to spend
72 = Current experience percentage assigned to Alternate Advancement
73 = Character Last Name
74 = Character Title
75 = Current MP3 Song Name
76 = Current MP3 Song Duration Minutes Value
77 = Current MP3 Song Duration Seconds Value (2 digits always)
78 = Current MP3 Song Position Minutes Value
79 = Current MP3 Song Position Seconds Value (2 digits always)
80 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 16) (Short Duration Buff)
81 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 17) (Short Duration Buff)
82 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 18) (Short Duration Buff)
83 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 19) (Short Duration Buff)
84 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 20) (Short Duration Buff)
85 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 21) (Short Duration Buff)

Gauges EQType:
1 = Hp
2 = Mana
3 = Stamina
4 = Exp
5 = AltExp
6 = Target
7 = Casting
8 = Breath
9 = Memorize
10 = Scribe
11 = Hp_Party1
12 = Hp_Party2
13 = Hp_Party3
14 = Hp_Party4
15 = Hp_Party5
16 = Pet
17 = Pet_Party1
18 = Pet_Party2
19 = Pet_Party3
20 = Pet_Party4
21 = Pet_Party5
22 = Current MP3 Song Progress

*Inventory ID Table*
<Item Slot> <Background> <EQType>
Charm Slot---------------------A_InvCharm----------------------0
Left Ear Slot------------------A_InvEar------------------------1
Head Slot----------------------A_InvHead-----------------------2
Face Slot----------------------A_InvFace-----------------------3
Right Ear Slot-----------------A_InvEar------------------------4
Neck Slot----------------------A_InvNeck-----------------------5
Shoulder Slot------------------A_InvShoulders------------------6
Arms Slot----------------------A_InvArms-----------------------7
Back Slot----------------------A_InvAboutBody------------------8
Left Wrist Slot----------------A_InvWrist----------------------9
Right Wrist Slot---------------A_InvWrist----------------------10
Range Slot---------------------A_InvRange----------------------11
Hands Slot---------------------A_InvHands----------------------12
Primary Slot-------------------A_InvPrimary--------------------13
Secondary Slot-----------------A_InvSecondary------------------14
Left Finger Slot---------------A_InvRing-----------------------15
Right Finger Slot--------------A_InvRing-----------------------16
Chest Slot---------------------A_InvChest----------------------17
Legs Slot----------------------A_InvLegs-----------------------18
Feet Slot----------------------A_InvFeet-----------------------19
Waist Slot---------------------A_InvWaist----------------------20
Ammo Slot----------------------A_InvAmmo-----------------------21
Main Inventory Slot 1----------A_RecessedBox-------------------22
Main Inventory Slot 2----------A_RecessedBox-------------------23
Main Inventory Slot 3----------A_RecessedBox-------------------24
Main Inventory Slot 4----------A_RecessedBox-------------------25
Main Inventory Slot 5----------A_RecessedBox-------------------26
Main Inventory Slot 6----------A_RecessedBox-------------------27
Main Inventory Slot 7----------A_RecessedBox-------------------28
Main Inventory Slot 8----------A_RecessedBox-------------------29
Last edited:
awesome and thank you!!

with the expansion on live seeds of destruction they added both player endurance and player mana to the group window or added as an eqtype this is why I am getting an xml error because it is not supported as of yet here.
Do you have any idea if this is something that is possible for the future?
to add in an eqtype gauge and % for player mana and endurance?
no more oom in group is why....

thanks again for looking this up and posting it
sod uses an older client that doesnt send that information.
and from what i understand, the idea to swap over to the newer client fell through due to the amount of work required to adapt.
yah just was not sure it is possible to add eqtypes if that is a lot of code work or not. I am not familiar so....
Cyzaine what is likelihood of getting those eqtypes put in the party mana and stamina?
if not too difficult I am making that as a request to see in the future...
thanks for the help again
You arent quite understanding what the issue is. The client itself doesnt use the the party mana/endurance.

You have one client that is speaking one language, you want it to speak a phrase useing another language. It just doesnt know that language.
Well since they used certain spells and just changed their effect and had client point that those spells I figured they could do the same thing for unused or rarely used eqtypes...

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