Not sure if they are using the same type lists as eqemu, since its an older client: but try this link and see if you can find what you are looking for:
addendum: found this in a file i had. maybe this is what you seek:
Labels EQType:
1 = Name
2 = Level
3 = Class
4 = Deity
5 = Strength
6 = Stamina
7 = Dexterity
8 = Agility
9 = Wisdom
10 = Intelligence
11 = Charisma
12 = Save vs Poison
13 = Save vs Disease
14 = Save vs Fire
15 = Save vs Cold
16 = Save vs Magic
17 = Current Hit Points
18 = Maximum Hit Points
19 = Hit Point Percentage
20 = Mana Percentage
21 = Stamina Percentage
22 = Armor Class
23 = Attack
24 = Weight
25 = Maximum Weight
26 = Experience Percentage
27 = Alternate Experience Percentage
28 = Target Name
29 = Target Hit Point Percentage
30 = Group Member 1 Name
31 = Group Member 2 Name
32 = Group Member 3 Name
33 = Group Member 4 Name
34 = Group Member 5 Name
35 = Group Member 1 Health Pecentage
36 = Group Member 2 Health Pecentage
37 = Group Member 3 Health Pecentage
38 = Group Member 4 Health Pecentage
39 = Group Member 5 Health Pecentage
40 = Group Pet 1 Health Pecentage
41 = Group Pet 2 Health Pecentage
42 = Group Pet 3 Health Pecentage
43 = Group Pet 4 Health Pecentage
44 = Group Pet 5 Health Pecentage
45 = Buff 1
46 = Buff 2
47 = Buff 3
48 = Buff 4
49 = Buff 5
50 = Buff 6
51 = Buff 7
52 = Buff 8
53 = Buff 9
54 = Buff 10
55 = Buff 11
56 = Buff 12
57 = Buff 13
58 = Buff 14
59 = Buff 15
60 = Spell 1
61 = Spell 2
62 = Spell 3
63 = Spell 4
64 = Spell 5
65 = Spell 6
66 = Spell 7
67 = Spell 8
68 = Player's Pet Name
69 = Player's Pet HP percent
70 = Player Current HP / Player Max HP (Note: will break 17 and 18 if used, and color indicates condition)
71 = Current Alternate Advancement points available to spend
72 = Current experience percentage assigned to Alternate Advancement
73 = Character Last Name
74 = Character Title
75 = Current MP3 Song Name
76 = Current MP3 Song Duration Minutes Value
77 = Current MP3 Song Duration Seconds Value (2 digits always)
78 = Current MP3 Song Position Minutes Value
79 = Current MP3 Song Position Seconds Value (2 digits always)
80 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 16) (Short Duration Buff)
81 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 17) (Short Duration Buff)
82 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 18) (Short Duration Buff)
83 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 19) (Short Duration Buff)
84 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 20) (Short Duration Buff)
85 = Song Buff 1 (Counts as Buff 21) (Short Duration Buff)
Gauges EQType:
1 = Hp
2 = Mana
3 = Stamina
4 = Exp
5 = AltExp
6 = Target
7 = Casting
8 = Breath
9 = Memorize
10 = Scribe
11 = Hp_Party1
12 = Hp_Party2
13 = Hp_Party3
14 = Hp_Party4
15 = Hp_Party5
16 = Pet
17 = Pet_Party1
18 = Pet_Party2
19 = Pet_Party3
20 = Pet_Party4
21 = Pet_Party5
22 = Current MP3 Song Progress
*Inventory ID Table*
<Item Slot> <Background> <EQType>
Charm Slot---------------------A_InvCharm----------------------0
Left Ear Slot------------------A_InvEar------------------------1
Head Slot----------------------A_InvHead-----------------------2
Face Slot----------------------A_InvFace-----------------------3
Right Ear Slot-----------------A_InvEar------------------------4
Neck Slot----------------------A_InvNeck-----------------------5
Shoulder Slot------------------A_InvShoulders------------------6
Arms Slot----------------------A_InvArms-----------------------7
Back Slot----------------------A_InvAboutBody------------------8
Left Wrist Slot----------------A_InvWrist----------------------9
Right Wrist Slot---------------A_InvWrist----------------------10
Range Slot---------------------A_InvRange----------------------11
Hands Slot---------------------A_InvHands----------------------12
Primary Slot-------------------A_InvPrimary--------------------13
Secondary Slot-----------------A_InvSecondary------------------14
Left Finger Slot---------------A_InvRing-----------------------15
Right Finger Slot--------------A_InvRing-----------------------16
Chest Slot---------------------A_InvChest----------------------17
Legs Slot----------------------A_InvLegs-----------------------18
Feet Slot----------------------A_InvFeet-----------------------19
Waist Slot---------------------A_InvWaist----------------------20
Ammo Slot----------------------A_InvAmmo-----------------------21
Main Inventory Slot 1----------A_RecessedBox-------------------22
Main Inventory Slot 2----------A_RecessedBox-------------------23
Main Inventory Slot 3----------A_RecessedBox-------------------24
Main Inventory Slot 4----------A_RecessedBox-------------------25
Main Inventory Slot 5----------A_RecessedBox-------------------26
Main Inventory Slot 6----------A_RecessedBox-------------------27
Main Inventory Slot 7----------A_RecessedBox-------------------28
Main Inventory Slot 8----------A_RecessedBox-------------------29