EQMain.dll fails without EQW


Dalayan Beginner
Hi everyone! I've looked around the forum for a while and haven't been able to solve this issue, though I've seen many have had trouble with eqmain.dll in the past.

I can manage to get SoD running in EQW (though I'm having trouble adjusting the resolution), but when I try to run it with EQW unchecked in the patcher, I get the "unable to initialize eqmain.dll" error.

Could it be a resolution problem, and is there a way around this?

I'm running this on a Gateway machine with 4GB RAM, an AMD A6-5200 quad-core 2GHz processor, and an NVIDIA GeForce 9500 GT PCI-express video card with 1GB video memory.

My display is a 40" 16:9 LCD screen, running at 1920x1080.
Further Experiementation

I did a little more experimentation with this problem.

I tried going into my eqclient.ini and set WindowedMode to TRUE. This allowed SoD to start without EQW and bypassed the eqmain.dll error. I was able to adjust screen resolution to 1920x1080 once I was logged in with no problems, so I set WindowedMode back to FALSE and tried running without EQW. This produced the eqmain.dll error again.

This leads me to believe that the problem lies with the splash and login screens not being able to adjust to a certain resolution (or possibly aspect ratio?) when trying to start in fullscreen mode.

Any ideas on how to work around this?

UPDATE: After setting my resolution in Windowed mode and running again using EQW, my resolution stayed at 1920x1080. This is acceptable, but I'd still like to be able to play fullscreen.
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Seems like I tried to make it run in FS mode as well, but gave up and now run EQW at monitor's native resolution. Everyone that I've talked to seems to do this as well. Maybe the new client will resolve this, upon release?
set windowed mode to True, start SoD without EQW, press "alt + enter" should bring you to full screen mode using the native client's FS mode (can change resolution and everything inside SoD once logged into a character at this point). Not sure if it would work differently than WindowedMode = False. I dont get that dll error so I am not sure.
Further Experiementation

I did try deleting and repatching the .dll quite a few times and it never worked. I never thought to try switching into fullscreen from windowed mode, I'll give that a shot and let you know how it goes.
Further Experiementation

Switching to fullscreen from windowed mode without EQW worked! This is acceptable, I just have to remember to switch back to windowed mode before logging out, or else I'll have to alter the eqclient.ini every time.

Thanks everyone!
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