eqgame.exe - Entry Point Not Found


Dalayan Beginner
I did everything that I was supposed to do and I get this error when I click run

eqgame.exe - Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point _AIL_open_XMIDI_driver@4 could not be located in the dynamic link library mss32.dll.

HOW the hell do u get this ??
It's about two days my EQ crash on startup withe this #@XXX!! error :

"_AIL_open_XMIDI_driver@4 not found in mss32.dll" thing

Need help plz ;(

Had the same issue - I completely uninstalled and reinstall EQ. Then repatched to Live with correct expansions and optional zones. Redownloaded all WR files - never had this come back.
I'm getting get same error message. Ive tried everything that ive read on other forums. Anyone have any other advice to fix this?
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