EQEMu Error: World is down

I'm getting the same message even though it showing 171 people are still on... Wonder if its a phantom number...

Oh well, guess I'll go and finish up my D&D race list in .pdf
im sure it wont help anyone to say im having this error too.. but can a gm or someone please tell me what is going on/is there any way to fix it
It must be a phantom number, its been the same for about an hour. Perhaps it was the number of people on when the problem started. I hope this gets addressed soon...
I just got dc'ed . the message that said the whole world server was down kept repeating, I could not chat /ooc, /tell. /guild and whatnot. hung in the bad lands for about 45 min then, poof, dc. i'm sure the GM's will figure it out.
I've been watching this go on for nearly 2hrs now, it's almost 1 am central time. GMs please fix this, must get fix
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