EQEmu ERROR:badusernasme/password


Dalayan Beginner
Hi Yall,

Last night I had to reinstall windows 7 after installing my drivers and updating windows 7 I installed EQ titanium edition downloaded and installed SoD patcher installed it just like the installed walk though states but when I try to log in I get this error EQEmu ERROR:bad username/password any help on this did I do something wrong can anyone please help me?

Thanks so much!
Ok Created a new account and it works fine logs in no problem is there a way for me to change my username or password so I can log in or transfer my toons to the other account. PLease Please help me Im desperate!

Thanks again!
Ok so I read the rules on change account info and tried to check my info and it says no such account exists but thats my user name and my pass I always use can some one please help me locate my account.

Thanks so much!
You will need to use Account Management to recover your account name and password. The login information for the game will be different than your forum login, but the email address should be the same - that should be all of the information you need.
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