EQ screen become black


Dalayan Beginner

I am coming back to Sod and now i am having some problems. I have a windows 7 64bits and when i select my char to enter the game and in the 70% of my zoning, my screen become black and the game not respond. Other times when i zone, the screen is freeze for 4 minutes and kick me out to the server select screen. I tried repatch, install the windows 7 32bit, play solo, play duo, eqniceplay, with and without it, bind affinity to processor in sodpatcher, new models, old models ...

In some cases, after select char, the screen become black and cant enter world, other time i can enter but in the first zone another time the window is black.

I have a dual core and a gtx260, and time ago i could play with this pc and the windows xp.

Anyone had this problem? any ideas to fix it?

thanks a lot
Could be a firewall problem. I had a similar issue with a VoIP phone that absolutely refused to play nice with windows firewall under win7 64. An incoming call would sometimes be delayed 4-8 minutes from when they called and hung up to when my software finished resolving and patching the call in, which was no longer there so immediately hung up. That and it would periodically block the incoming call transmission. They could still hear me sounding stupid on the other end though.

Are you using windows firewall? Or some other one?

Only other thing I can think of is a video card issue.
I am using now win7 32, but i have the firewall off. I dont understand why 3 months ago it was working without problems and now i need to relog a lot of times to enter and when i zone it crashes. I have the same video card (Nvidia gtx260) that i had 3 months ago.
Are you overclocking?

It's hotter now than it was 3 mo's ago and it's not uncommon that during the summer months people report more problems due to cooling solutions that work fine 9 mo's out of the year but aren't sufficient during summer.

If you're overclocking either the video card or the cpu, you may want to try dialing back the amount of the overage. If you're not, or even if you are, maybe do a general cleaning out of the computer for dust layers on all heat related components, with special attention to the video card fan and the the exhaust vent. Also, check to make sure the computer has 6" or more clearance from the vent ports to the nearest obstruction.

I personally notice an excessive amount of video card use while sitting in the character select screen, so it does seem at least plausible that it's a heat related reject.
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