
Dalayan Beginner
Has anyone attempted to get EQIM to work with SoD? Was just curious, I poked around in the .exe and pointed it to the SoD server IP but it failed to connect.

I would assume it would require the server to support it - which I doubt is on any priority lists.
From what I see just scanning through, is it just connects through the login server, however, it's possible it uses the chat server for where it sends out the IM's from. The only other thing I couldn't find was the port, EQ's default ports were 5999 and 5998, I didn't see it pulling info from the eqhosts file either.
UDP 5997 - Loginserver
UDP 9000 - World Server
UDP 7770-7794, 7950-8091 - Zone servers

Those were from a previous post from long ago for SoD. So if you could change the port it was looking for, 5997 is/was the Loginserver.
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