End game chanters?


Dalayan Beginner
I'm currently working on a leveling an enchanter. I see a post about chanter balancing, and believe it to be trying to addressing high lvls and raids. Question being: Is charming an issue at end game here like it was on live? (Do you find yourself with no usefull chances to charm in group or raid settings? )

On a side note, can anyone explain to me from a lore point of view why Shaman's get a better slow than chanters? Believe me I'm not expecting that to change, but it always seemed to me chanters should have been given top role as far as slow goes.
enchanters are cool/good not a lot of people really know what they are doing on one, but after watching pockton play and Cilulizi play Darron, damnnnnnnnnnnnn.
I haven't been playing SoD long at all, and haven't raided, but as far as I can tell...Enchanters rock. I will be leveling an Enchanter as an alt for sure.
If I see enchanters that aren't Stral or Cinn playing Singurce trying to charm something on a raid or in a high-end group when they weren't told to as part of the strat, they get TL'd far far away and disbanded. If It's Cinn I giggle and hide, if it's Stral I face-palm and start loading buff-bots on the sly for the wipe that will happen 45 min later when he starts really getting brave/feeling fiesty.

Don't take that as a negative point on enchanters though. Enchanters never ever ever ever run out of things to do. Ever. Some of the most fun I've ever had playing this game was as an enchanter in a raid setting....and not JUST chasing the raid around after shape-shifting into a raid trash mob and scaring the crap out of them or shapeshifting and following 10 seconds behind late raiders running to catch up to the raid and getting them yelled at for training everyone.
Well it certainly sounds like enchanters are at least good for more than just being buffbots. I'd imagine alot of them are anyway, but I have been having alot of fun leveling one so far.

Besides, who can turn down the possibility of messing with those you're supposed to be helping = )
boxed enchanters are buffbots, mained enchanters are so much more. Any enchanter who isnt constantly casting some sort of spell every single time the spell bar refreshes isnt doing their job.

Some raid encounters we can really shine on. I forget good examples for lower tiers, as its been forever since ive done them, but in higher tiers there are a few really important fights where well controlled adds are absolutely essential such as folerit, thaz 1, generals, the 9 pull of sanctum trash, eyes of the father, and I'm sure theres a bunch I'm missing.

When we aren't mezzing or charming however, the role of a raiding enchanter is basically: keep people buffed with haste/jb/etc, rune people as a sort of patch healer, keep every mob tash'd, keep at least a couple of melee giantkin'd, help the shaman try to land a slow on resistant mobs, and cripple/dot/vex when able to. Also on raids our striking and rending curses are absolutely amazing and add a tremendous amount of temporary dps.

It's a fun class, and just like any other class it has its ups and downs, but in the end it offers the widest range of spells and incredible utility. Plus when you finish up your shared mind AAs you add a whole bunch to a group just by being in it, in the form of extra mitigation and crits among other things. While not always appreciated as much as some other classes, people who skillfully play the class (which is not many) are welcome to all but the most unforgiving 6 man fights where an enchanter is simply not as beneficial as some other classes such as a bard (fuck you broken ass class!)
I'm currently working on a leveling an enchanter. I see a post about chanter balancing, and believe it to be trying to addressing high lvls and raids. Question being: Is charming an issue at end game here like it was on live? (Do you find yourself with no usefull chances to charm in group or raid settings? )

There are plenty of useful things to charm in groups. Raidcharming is rare. I'm not particularly certain whether it's because most things are immune, as I've found a few things that are charmable, which I see charmed extremely rarely. At low tier my favorite example of this is Greor the Herald in Storms Eye. More often than not though someone zones in and stomps his nuts in before you can grab him.

There are a variety of things on very difficult tmaps you can charm. The most useful being ghoul lords (they beat ass, and keeps them out of the fray for a short period, if you're quick enough to live when they break, need control for them). If there are none present, charm a shadelord for the wave with regular charm. ED tmaps have controllable mobs as well, the most useful being the whitecon phantom striking whirlwinds.

Other than that there are maybe 4-5 other examples I've seen of raid charming, though there are also alot more in the way of planes since I went through the tiers. Though keep in mind also before the last revamp, after the previous nerf to charm, I'd heard it really wasn't worth doing. That seems to have been mostly remedied. Some of the time it's too risky as well.
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