Enchanter Visage Spell Line


Dalayan Beginner
I've looked on the Wiki and in the forums but haven't found a good description on exactly what the visage line of enchanter spells actually do.

By what is on the wiki, I assume this means that it changes aggro by (X% - 100%).

Where the effect is less than 100, the name is "pleasant", i.e. calming, glamorous
ex: Change Aggro: 90 = Reduce aggro by 10%

Some of the Change Aggro values are also greater than 100, where the name is unpleasant i.e. haunting, horrifying
ex: Change Aggro: 110 = Increase aggro by 10%

Is this a correct interpretation?

Also it is listed as a buff, does this mean that any aggro generating action performed by the buffed character is adjusted accordingly?
Thats exactly what the spells do and thats exactly why they are garbage, they have a significant cooldown for a terribly short duration. If you are interested in decreasing aggression you can just use giantkin for that purpose.
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