Enchanter Ancient Pet Inventory


Dalayan Beginner
The pet summoned by Ancient: Guardian of Jayla appears to wield a fancy sword and shield. However, when it engages in melee, it punches instead of slashing. With the advent of the /cm petinv command, it is now obvious that both the primary and secondary slot on this pet read as empty. Furthermore, although the "shield" can be replaced with a weapon for the pet to dual wield, the "sword" cannot be replaced, meaning that this pet can only ever punch with its main hand.

Is this intended? I cannot help but wonder that this ancient pet might have been intended to come with some kind of proc on its sword or shield (it is an ancient, after all), but even if this were not the case, the two phantom items are effectively nonfunctional anyway. Why go through the trouble of dressing up the final enchanter pet like this if its primary and secondary are nothing more than dummy items? Anyway, such an attractive sword being ignored in favor of punching is entirely counterintuitive from a lore perspective....

Thanks in advance!
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