Elulu says goodbye for now D:


Staff Emeritus
it was a fun two weeks! ahaha.
but my main comp. completely crashed and it died. didnt even last a year! piece of crap :0
im using my buisness laptop but it dont do much regarding downloading and games.

anyways, i'll still hang around the forums i guess. cuz im not that well known. but i'd like to be :3


visit my myspace hhahaha!

i have a friend who will try to fix my comp when i get back from utah *dies* i leave today D:
luckly come back day before new years eve.
going from cali to utah is a killer. i dont have any winter clothing! :0

i'll be sure to let everyone know when im back :B
Going to Utah from California is a killer regardless of weather or winter clothing. :) Actually we played a show in SLC in a now defunct club, and it was a great time. I think that there are such a large number of uptight people in Utah, the ones that are cool are even more cool because they aren't part of the uptight category.

Well good luck getting the comp fixed. We'll keep an eye out for your return.

Take care.
Ashleigh666 said:
i have a friend who will try to fix my comp when i get back from utah *dies* i leave today D:
luckly come back day before new years eve.
going from cali to utah is a killer. i dont have any winter clothing! :0

i'll be sure to let everyone know when im back :B

With that lifespan I'd guess either a fan broke, power supply is screwed, or something akin to that, though if your friend can't come up w/anything shoot me a pm if ya want. Chances are I can figure out what's wrong and tell ya how to fix it.

Good luck in the frozen land of salt
With that lifespan I'd guess either a fan broke, power supply is screwed, or something akin to that, though if your friend can't come up w/anything shoot me a pm if ya want. Chances are I can figure out what's wrong and tell ya how to fix it.

Good luck in the frozen land of salt

thanks, i'll let you know whats up! all i know is that it's in a n endless loop of restarts. and i tryed a system recovery and it still does the same thing D:

stupid things!
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