Ello, New here ^.^


Dalayan Beginner
I'm planning on playing, because in a couple days, I'll be getting "********* Titanium"

I saw the video on youtube, and I was interested.
This game is perfect for me, because I don't have much RAM on my computer to play many other 3D games, because some require like a 512mb RAM, while this runs within my RAM range of my crappy computer, lol

well lets see.
I'm 23/M and i fall into the Category of a Hikikomori & NEET
Don't know what those are, search Wikipedia, lol

I'm mainly on online games like Billy Vs Snakeman, or Megaman Battle Network Cyber Tournament pretty much either browser games, or LOW ram consuming online games like Byond, Runescape, etc...
because of my crappy computer >.<
In Byond, I like to try to make/code my own games there.

I'll most likely lag to death on SoD, but I'll most likely still play ^.^

Other things I do it chat/play on the Gaia-Online, [Baka-Wolf], [Rumbel], & Cartoon World Forums also.

I'm pretty active online daily, while Downloading/Watching Anime releases.
I use to be the owner of [Loli-Wolf] Fansubs but due to some family issues at the time, I decided to make another member the leader.

Well that's pretty much it for me ^.^

:hmpf: :hmpf: :hmpf: :hmpf: :hmpf:
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