Elemental Subversion


Dalayan Master
Currently the proc on the mage class bracer, elemental subversion, is flagged beneficial, which means it only goes off on beneficial spells. Being that this is a class specific armor piece, this is a pretty bad effect for the class (obviously for a healer it would be amazing). On a typical fight, xpgroup or raid. The most a mage is casting in terms of beneficial spells are:

Modrods (usually max of 2x per fight, generally only on long fights do we even get to that point)
Monster summoning (5min recast, see modrods)
Selfbuffs and ds (should always be cast pre-fights, for obvious reasons)
Petheal (20sec recast)

In addition, it doesn't seem to actually work either, regardless of it being beneficial or detrimental. Out of 75 beneficial spells cast (on purpose to attempt to trigger it, buff spells), it procced 0 times, also 0 procs out of far more than 100 casts so far of detrimentals (for the record I'm looking for the message that goes along with it's other component in logs. There are none).

Basically can it be looked into so that

A) It works.
B) It goes off on spells that we cast.
C) If it proves unfixable for some reason, or is deemed too powerful, that the bracer be given some sort of other effect that would prove useful to the class.
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