Elemental Mantle Quest


Dalayan Master
I've heard that earth essences no longer drop off of earth elementals in game, which means the Elemental Mantle Quest that begins in Erudin cannot be completed. Could this be looked at and fixed please?

Building on this, the quest is absolutely obsolete. For the reward of a Damage Inc *2* item with +5cha/int and minor saves, it appears that a foray into FR to kill earth elementals is necessary. Even without this part, getting the air/water/fire essences is no picnic, and buying a ring of the flamecaster with damage inc *3* is a better choice all around (or, raid Tarx the Stormfeather for Ring of Lightning)

The big picture: my opinion, as always, is that ALL of the old quests should be looked at and adjusted before any new content goes in. Of course, that's a different thread altogether.
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the essences aren't no drop. You can sometimes buy them from other players.
the essences aren't no drop. You can sometimes buy them from other players.

Buyable or not, there are easier places to obtain the water, air, and fire essences, in comparison to FR for earth essences. Furthermore, this quest should not have to be bought; some of us like to earn our rewards, rather than buy them.

The point is moot, though, because apparently earth essences do not drop anymore, and so can neither be earned nor bought.
If your referring to going into first ruins for earth essences , I am pretty sure the wiki is referring to the old first ruins where the elementals were around level 30.

Essence of fire is easily purchasable and i am pretty sure the air elementals in sbad are around 25-30

I am pretty sure this quest revolved around you going to first ruins and was never changed or thought of when the zone was changed to its new state :(

The elementals in sirens are around level 50 , The only earth elementals I can think of which are those in badlands are probably around 49 too.

Back in the day I think you still needed to purchase the water essence and such but for the level that would want this reward the quest is pretty absurd if your actually going to try to farm them yourself.
Buyable or not, there are easier places to obtain the water, air, and fire essences, in comparison to FR for earth essences. Furthermore, this quest should not have to be bought; some of us like to earn our rewards, rather than buy them.

I did the first few parts on my chanter. Frankly, I was happy to find the required tentacle on a vendor rather than spend days trying for the key to the basement, and then farm a tentacle too.

I'd have been just as happy to finish the quest by buying the earth essence. Finishing the quest by killing everything yourself is one thing, but frankly the mantle isn't THAT good.

I mean...the reward is a +5 cha, +5 int, +20 hp shoulder item with damage inc 2. By the time you could kill everything yourself, you'd be 45 and you could have gotten a better one elsewhere far easier.
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