Dynamic Lighting


Dalayan Beginner
For some reason or another, my dynamic lighting has stopped working. It was working fine a few days ago and just stopped. I have it enabled, and i have a light source. If anyone has encountered and fixed this problem please let me know.

i have the same problem. I had been useing a torch in my inv as a light source... after this last patch, it stopoed working as a light source.. Now i have to summon a lighting bug bubble thing (druid) and put it in my ranged slot as a light now.

so, you might want to try a differant light source. I heard that the beetle eyes are still working as lights, but i guess they put out all the torches..
beetle eyes, lightstones, etc are not working for me. and other player's/NPCs dynamic lighting isnt showing up anymore either
Last night I also had the same problem. Checked everything I could under display in options, rechecked settings in options during log in and several differant light sources. Nothing worked. Have not logged in today though. Hope it is figured out soon.

17 Human Ranger WR
I think dynamic light sources are broken at the moment. Wall torches don't really appear to be casting glows either.. Though I imagine the Packet Loss is a slightly higher priority... I'm sure WR Staff will get to it when they can. :p
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