Dual Boxing Issues


Dalayan Beginner
Hi everyone.

I have been playing SoD off and on for many, many years. I was around before the Cease and Desist. I haven't had this particular problem until just a few nights ago.

I lag incredibly whenever I dual box (minus when one toon is zoning). I see only about 10 FPS, but when I push F11, I am actually pushing 50 - 170 on each screen. I have tried several solutions (given from Google searches about this issue), including dropping the resolution, putting each client on a processor, not putting one client on each screen (instead, layering them on the same monitor) but with no avail. It's really difficult to play now.

What is odd, is as I've said above, F11 says I'm getting great framerate! How is it not translating, then? It is literally barely better than a slideshow.

I have no issue with only 1 client. (BTW, for nostalgic sake, I'm using only pre-luclin models). Basically everything else is maxed, but I have over 4 gigs of ram and have a 660M GTX. I can run ESO on ultra with no dip in frame rate.

Any ideas on solutions?

[EDIT: I am using EQW, too, although I can't find the .ini files to change the screen swap to "`".]

Thank you!
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Honestly, I play on an old laptop with 2 gigs of ram... I get choppiness issues when one of the following happens: I am running out of ram, the laptop is getting too hot, or there is too much happening on one of the screens.

EQW.ini is located in this path for windows 7 users:
C:\Users\[your current user]\AppData\Roaming\Shards of Dalaya\eqw
The only thing I noticed of recent when boxing is 1 loads in to zone way faster than the other. It's really weird. Before I would zone a char in to the MoP. Then 1 or 2 seconds later, the 2nd char. And they would load in 1 or 2 seconds apart. Now the spread is like 10 seconds.....

I really don't get it. And, nothing has changed......no updates, no graphics change...nothing.
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