Druids KOS in Erudin


Dalayan Adventurer

Lvl 65 Druid, Woodelf

lawful neutral (highly lawful, neutral)

not sworn to any deity

I find my druid is KOS to Erudin. To my knowledge I have not done anything to generate negative faction there. Until recently I have always been able to use Erudin (vendors, bank) whenever I wanted without a problem. I have never seen a faction hit message about Erudin. When I was leveling Zbon up I did the quest for collecting the moneybags (a positive Erudin faction quest) and that’s all I can recall about any faction good or bad for Erudin.

Has there been any recent changes for druid, wooldelf or erudin faction to explain this?

also, how many other druids/woodelfs have this problem? or any class/race that has seen a KOS overnight change
apparently your not the only druid who has had this issue.

i've talked to a couple other people who had the same probo :psyduck:
Maybe there is a druid quest that is connected with negative Erudin faction somewhere. I am not sure which mobs outside of Erudin would be connected, but it is possible.
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