Druid duo


Dalayan Beginner
Im thinking of duoing with my druid.
My first choices are Bst or rog cause i always wanted to pick one of this classes but i dont know if a duo with one of these would be good enough.
Im open to any suggestion you can give me.
I suggest BST because you get some tankage, versatility with buffs, ports and some other nice stuff. With this duo you have everything at hand you need to duo, an ok tank, heals, slows, buffs, ports and so on.

I'd go with it. Rogue/druid is kinda hard because you lack a tank.
Shm & Rng is the ultimate duo tbh!

But Droo & Bst is nice also.

I would go ROG/DROO cause of Rog cant tank very good.

Even pally or mnk would be nice
Druid + Monk is a pretty sweet combo. You have splitting abilities, ports, sow, heals, dots, nukes, nice melee dps and decent tanking.

Not having slow with a druid in your duo is ok due to having good heals and all that yummy DS dps.
If are looking for maximum efficiency I would pick druid SK or druid monk mostly for their splitting abilities and proficiency at tanking.

Beastlord or Paladin are not bad choices though
If you plan to group a lot you should go ahead and make that rogue you wanted to play. If you're looking to be self-sufficient then take the advice of these guys.
Thank you for your suggestions.
I suppose ill use to druid bst but im going to try your suggestions also to see what best suits my playstyle
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