pally - easy aoe aggro and supplemental heals and + damage to undead. this will be great until you get to to t8. once beyond t8, you will need bags full of extremely rare and esoteric items to hold aggro off moths. because your aggro is terrible and doesn't scale.
sk - lol shit tons of single target aggro and the best aoe aggro in the game though versul is too fucking dumb to know how to use the spell.
monks - monks are pretty pro. mob splits, like sks, but more damage then sks. also have an aoe stance. can't carry a glass of water without being overweight. but the druid can carry it. if a monk has aggro on a mob you will never worry about it hitting your healer.
Lol, so true. IMO and exp with both classes tagged with a druid healer (before raid game):
Pally: cast blind, cast aoe blind, throw out a stun, cycle through. Self heal, Cast group hot, cycle more blinds/stuns. Druid: throw out a couple dots, and a hot maybe. Later cast a heal if needed.. and maybe a nuke once mob health gets low. Use auto-attack allot. Due any debuffing, nuking, or big healing too soon, and expect to play scramble mode on the pally, trying to get aggro back.
SK: Cast terror, cast your other terror. If you acquire the sk starfall weapon, second terror isn't as important. Throw a dot if you feel like it. Ignore him and swap to druid, cast what ever you want, as much as you want.
Overall, I have found the sk to be a better duo partner with my druid than my pally.
Now, if you want to pull bigger groups of mobs, as long as your group can assist, the pally will have an easier time holding aggro on all, once he acquires his first ae blind. The SK will work far harder to tag all the mobs with terrors (until much later, and the aforementioned ae aggro spell). The sk pet is mostly useless, except for the tome that makes him explode. You can use him to aux tank for you, but turn his taunt off, and pray he does get low-level aggro on pulls.
And every class wanting to cast on mobs needs cha, I think the pally might need it more than the sk does, but both would do well to have as much as you can throw at it.