Dreamer part 4

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Dalayan Beginner
Posting here as well, to stay more relevant.
I attempted part 4, but died before i could "complete" the quest. I used my Paladin Sleiph, level 65 and attempted around 11:30-45pm EST.

Sleepless vagabond in Newport doesn't and won'tgive dialogue for the nightmare rune any more, and I'm fairly certain I received no reward.
Is this made intentionally to only have 1 shot, regardless of succession of raid/solo attempt?
I really hope I didn't burn 3 weeks going through the quest just to find out I screwed up at the end =/.
No, he SHOULD give as many as you need. Part 4 is supposed to be good til this friday. If its not working when I return from work, I'll fix it up myself.
To clarify:

So until you beat part 4: as in you beat the final wave from my understanding, which could be wrong, you can do it as many times as you like?
Somewhat. You can try the raid as much as you want until the final wave, or you throw in the towel (throwing in the towel before you die is the only reasonable alternative for soloers). Or until Friday, when its removed.
Have a question.... does your reward change the longer you wait to throw in the towel?...
I'll be honest, I'm ...not really happy with the reward I got with doing it solo.
Not that I had much choice in how much longer I could last, but given the amount of time I spent going through the quest, was wondering if i perhaps got shafted horribly on the solo reward? I won't lie, doing this quest was incredibly fun, and extremely well laid out but....the reward ......literally made me sink in my chair. Making me think "I really should have pushed to try and raid this a few days ago, even if it meant 4 or 5 hours of attempts".

The character I did it on was Sleiph, and the reason i did it solo was because I wasn't really going to have time during the week to get a lot of play time in to try the raid version.
So....just...wondering , is this really it for people who aren't doing the raid version of the fight??
Personal reward is always the same. Raiding doesn't change it. It's a handy piece of utility, I'm surprised 'you sank in your chair' upon seeing it. But to each their own. Wasn't going to make 15 rewards for every class.

Locking this thread. Refer to the other thread or PM's for anything more on this topic.
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