Dreadfang Spire files missing


Dalayan Beginner
I've redownloaded Everquest and forced repatch several times, but its still missing Frozenshadow_obj.s3d file, anyone know where i can manually get the files?
send me a PM with your email adress and ill send them to you when i send them to some other guy that needs em. Sorry "some other guy" that i havent sent them to yet i've been away from my home computer. i'll send them to you guys tonight or tommorow. (most likeley tommorow)
I have a similar problem. When I try to zone in to Dreadfang Spire it says that the file exists but may be corrupt. Would it work to just delete it and have someone send me a new file?
I have a similar problem. When I try to zone in to Dreadfang Spire it says that the file exists but may be corrupt. Would it work to just delete it and have someone send me a new file?

probably. that or try repatching all.
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