Dragon vs Giant Faction?


Dalayan Beginner
I'm relatively new to this server, and am just starting to get to 50 on my char. I know about the two different factions, as well as the fact that Giant isn't fully implemented as of yet. What I'm stuck on is which faction to take? I know the majority of people go with Giants, and kill Dragons, but (a) imo, Dragons > Giants for RP/kewl factor (b) the quest armor for the Dragons seems pretty good for my class (50 Wizard). Which guilds are alligned with which faction, and which has items more suited to a Wizard?

Also, where do you go to speak to the NPC's about their respective faction? I know DNK is for the Dragons, but is GD for the Giants?

Stormkeep (and Stormseye) are where the Giants are based.

Regarding the quest armor, the Giant quest armor (kill dragons) tends to be slightly better for mele, while the Dragon quest armor tends to be slightly better for casters. If you have no plans to join a raiding guild, your wizard is probably better off going with Dragon faction.

However, if you DO plan to join a raiding guild, I would find a guild that suits your style, and go with whatever faction they are on. There are few enough guilds on SoD, each with vastly differing styles that finding a guild that you fit in with and enjoy is much more important than the minor differences between the quest armors. Faction is not a good factor to use in choosing a guild here.
Good point. If there are so few differences between the armors, then your right, guess it doesn't make a difference when wieghed against the playerbase. Are the items derived from this Raiding ultra-endgame? Or is there something beyond this raid level?
Darkman1919c said:
Good point. If there are so few differences between the armors, then your right, guess it doesn't make a difference when wieghed against the playerbase. Are the items derived from this Raiding ultra-endgame? Or is there something beyond this raid level?

Giants and dragons are entry-raid-level through the higher level tiers, but there are a handful of zones that are beyond the hardest mobs in DHK (I assume the same is true for giants) in terms of difficulty.

This thread has some information about raiding tiers and the difficult of various mobs. Zirvane, the boss of DHK, is listed as "harder but not extreme".
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