Dragon/Giant Faction


Dalayan Elder
In the process of converting from Giant to Dragon faction I have farmed 141 frost giant heads and 4 storm giant heads so it is safe to assume that I have killed at least twice that amount of respective mob.

I decided today that max indiff was taking way too long just looking at the faction hit messages and set off to go turn in my stash of heads to find that the turn-in mob as well as every other dragon still cons threateningly. This is including the bard faction AA, so basically I am still at the lowest level of faction after all of these kills.

This leaves me to believe that there is something wrong with the hits coming from the mobs or the faction itself.
Im switching myself. Have turned in 0 heads, and was previously ally to giants. (so max kos to dragons)

After a little killing in storms eye, im apprehensive to dragons. So your theory is unsound.
Im switching myself. Have turned in 0 heads, and was previously ally to giants. (so max kos to dragons)

After a little killing in storms eye, im apprehensive to dragons. So your theory is unsound.
So how do you explain me killing over 400 giants after being ally and still being at the lowest faction level for dragons?.... :psyduck:
I had the same issue on balthor, I got tired of faction not going up for whatever reason and used alliance clicky on a wyrm outside in the valley and then turned in my heads to the named until I was no longer kos. Went back to killing giants until I got the "your faction can not be improved any further" message. Now to farm some more heads to hit ally and turn in the head.
Not killing as many as you said, killing greens (and therefore getting tiny faction hits) killing both dragons and giants while all the time collecting heads, being botted and killing dragons, etc.

Want me to continue? All you've done so far is say "I have this many heads so *obviously* ive killed this many giants so my faction must be broken" which, when you make a statement like that, assumes a LOT, on top of the fact that since im doing the same thing as you, and am not having this issue, seems to deflate your statement that theres something wrong with the faction.

*edit* Killed giants in GD now, gone from appre to max indiff. still no head turn ins. Faction appears fine from all accounts.
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When I went from max KoS to dubious to dragons I farmed over 200 heads from the giants outside stormkeep in east wastes. I was getting about 1 head to every 4-6 giants, iirc. Might have been as low as 1 in 3. Max KoS is a very large faction deficit, but not broken.

Edit: and that was with the faction hits for killing King Rymaz and his guards.
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I never said it was obvious that it was broken but that I was led to believe this fact and would have liked counterproof to mine to either confirm or deny. I was not killing dragons, I was not botted to kill dragons, I am confident in my kill numbers because I was actually tracking it and rolled over 30k while farming, and I was killing in three locations between green/LB frost giants, blue frost giants, and 57-63 storm giants.

It's been a damn long time since I've worked dragon or giant faction and I was assisted at the time by fairly regular raiding so my perspective on how large of a step non-kos was clearly off. Gawain put it in great perspective and I now consider this matter solved. Appreciate it!
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