Dragon Faction "Telvosh"


Dalayan Beginner
Telvosh, (sp) is a dragon east of Dragon Horn Keep that offers up a quest, if you have the faction. I talked to her/him, and it told me about the storm giant statues in Storm keep. Right outside of storm keep, in Fae woods, I found some supplie crates, and some supplier giants, and killed them until i found some Storm keep blasting powder, and some explosives that have a charge of 1 on them. I went into Storm keep, and found the Statue of Husrag, and the Statue of Sunbane. I clicked on them, and had them targeted , and the statue died after the explosive timer went off, but there was no loot on the statue, the dragon told me to bring back a name tag of the statue. Has anyone done this quest? If so, can i get a hint as to what i might be doing wrong?

I have killed all the statues with the exsplosives, and non of them have dropped a name plate, am I missing something maybe? Telvosh said something that I might need something more than just exsplosives.....
If you would like I can show you what im doing, maybe im doing something wrong, Im not asking for answers to the quest, I'm just asking if im doing it write, or if im missing something. The statues are blowing up, IE dieing, but no loot is on the corpse. Also, I killed 3 statues, the 2 by the bank, and the one up by "the family" giants. Sometimes a statue protector will spawn, and when i kill him, he doesnt drop anything either, then i blow up statue, and no loot on its corpse. If you need me in game, its Karigan 64 necro.

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