Do we have to use windowed mode?


Dalayan Beginner
Title says it all really. From what I can make out, we have to use EQW to run SoD and that means playing in a Window, yes?

You do not have to use eqw, although it's the easiest way.

You can also make a shortcut to eqgame.exe, edit the shortcut and in the Target field, after eqgame.exe, add a space and the word patchme.

If the path to your EQ dir has spaces in it, then the path in the Target field will have quotes around it. Place the above patchme change AFTER the closing quote, not within.

So depending on where you have EQ install, you should have something like:

"C:\Program Files\EQ\eqgame.exe" patchme


C:\EQ\eqgame.exe patchme

Hope that helps...
Thanks, guys - just really hate playing games in a window. Kills the immersion for me.
Why don't you just make the window as large as the screen... it's basically just like it would be in fullscreen, but with the ability to minimize and close it out.
I don't like to use EQW either

Because I like to run SoD at 1600 x 1200, and it's worth not being able to Alt-F4 it for that. :)
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