Do I exist or what?


Dalayan Beginner
Hail everyone.

I use to play Shards on and off years back. Hell I remember the Lands of Magic and some mythical thing called Winters Roar (isn't that a shaman spell or something).

Anyway, despite kinda doubting and diddling (might not be the right word) with the idea, I think I may return.

So here's the brass tax, what do I have at my disposal?

Well, assuming I recall my login info - a 65 Druid humbly geared and burning too much incense and a 65 Enchanter who's probably dancing somewhere between t3 and a rehab program.

What's in demand? I know we've got some old school content progression guilds. Think I should roll a third character to compliment my Grateful Dead burnout and my crack addicted friend?

What should I roll? Minks seem fun. They make good coats and I like kicking faces. But shadow nights seem delightfully redundant. Lot of Shadows at night. Then there's that Matt Shadows guy, eh. And anyone who considers themselves friendly with a living room could be cool in my book. I don't like slinging bows. My Enchanter likes slinging, but that's different.

Yes I'm posting this at 6:30am on a Friday morning. Yes I'm sober. Guild me. Let's make bad decisions as a team. :)
wizards seem rare these days. enchanters are almost always wanted, same w/ clerics. The most in demand thing is players that progress their characters outside of raids and dont blow at everquest. Fitting those criteria will typically net you a guild for most classes, except maybe tanks and druids(assuming the guild isnt already full on that class)
wizards seem rare these days. enchanters are almost always wanted, same w/ clerics. The most in demand thing is players that progress their characters outside of raids and dont blow at everquest. Fitting those criteria will typically net you a guild for most classes, except maybe tanks and druids(assuming the guild isnt already full on that class)

Who actually blows at everquest? Is that a thing?
It really depends on what area of the game you're focusing on. If you're focusing on a high-tier raiding guild, I believe this class rankings post is pretty good with the caveat that trying to get a tank up to raid-readiness is a huge pain:

If you're playing just for fun, adepts, xp, thurg bounties, maybe some lower raiding etc then I would just play what you want.
Well, I looked over that thread of class rankings and here's a better wording of my initial question with a bit more insight provided beyond that:

If I were to level up a third character to compliment my Druid and Enchanter, what should that be? Now, I haven't truly played Shards in several years. I believe I was most active actually right at the release of Ikisith. I was never a super heavy raider but I would enjoy the idea of raiding again maybe on the more casual side of things. Otherwise, what class, interchangeably, could benefit from the company of a Druid or Enchanter?

At one point I had a bard and a necro. I foolishly deleted both years ago. I may consider, once again, rolling a Necro as - well - he had great DPS and utility and I could box him with either an Enchanter or Druid and benefit. At the same time - I also keep considering a monk, though I feel a monk will not live up to his potential with the Druid behind him simply because of lack of slows, and unless I want to be on total CC lockdown between splitting and mezzing - the monk and enchanter might not benefit from one another.

However, other options: Shadowknight and Paladin. Obviously both a pain in the taint to raid gear. For some reason I feel a Paladin and Enchanter, together could do some interesting things concerning undead content. And I know a Druid and Paladin could mesh. Shadowknight? I like the premise of the ability to still FD split, lifetaps might help, but I don't know how he'd mesh with an enchanter.

Ultimately, I want to be able to drop in to the raid scene on some level with at least *one* character (I'm assuming the Enchanter will be in demand) while still have an interchangable 2-box setup to farm and challenge myself to different levels of content.
monk/druid is a good duo, druid works with any melee dps really. slow is so nerfed in this game it is essentially a non-factor with the exception of some raid bosses, you get significantly better damage mitigation from aux tanking. Duoing with an enchanter isnt that great in general, however Pal/Enc and SK/Enc are its best duos, mostly reliant on being carried by the knight though. SK/Enchanter is better than Pal/Enc on anything that isnt undead imo. SK/Enchanter is a bit riskier than PAL/Enc, but it has a higher kill speed. Only downside is that is doesnt really shine til the enchanter has obtained runic 1 and the SK is decently geared. Your best bet for duoing with the enchanter is just using a retired tank from your guild tbh. Monk/Enchanter duo isnt really a thing, although boxing those classes can be entertaining enough in raids. Necro/Druid or Nec/Enc just seem like less efficient versions of necro soloing to me.

From my experience playing enchanter (I have a lot of it), duoing enchanter with anything just makes you depressed at how much easier and efficient other classes are at farming. I'd roll a monk and play that with your druid if I was you, and adventure band with your enchanter when you duo. I could go on for ages about this but would rather not unless you are really interested.

TLDR; Roll a monk to have a sick farming partner for your druid, avoid farming/duoing with the enchanter unless you hate life.
I guess a lot changed then since I played.

I was under the impression that monk/shaman was THE duo for the longest time because of that slow/haste plus state buffage. I mean, regardless. I could always just bring chanter in to C# Druid and then haste the monk, but still.

I'm leaning towards monk anyway.
Either way, Paladin, Monk, Shadowknight - whatever.

Is powerleveling via having my druid follow the melee class around still subject to the healing penalty? I assume so but would like to ask.
Also, as far as re-establishing, since I'm essentially going back into this world much like I'm completely new to the game - what would be a good setup to aim for equipment wise for, say a monk.

Where would be an ideal place to farm platinum on said Enchanter or Druid to fund such a project?

Stupid questions I know, but I just logged on my druid a minute ago, went through half the shit in his bags and was like "What the hell is half this shit even for?"
Also, I'm probably gonna have to nab a completely fresh install of Titanium because many of the spell and item effects aren't reading off properly.
Shoken! Good to see you. I remember your bard from long long ago.

Hope life has treated you well.
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