DISMISSED - Heartland Silver Crown


Dalayan Master
Hi I tried last night to do the Heartland quests. I did the dryad's, but then I had to chose the faction : I chose the silvercrown (although I should have done otherwise according to my character but whatever). Thing is I gave the no drop item to the characters I had to , but the main NPC told me it was not enough and to keep going, which I did. Unfortunately I must have given it to my pet or something since I don't have it anymore, and there's no way to get the item back from NPC's :s
I tried to go to the Blackscale but they won't let me do anything now, I must have triggered the quest...
So what I am wondering is :
-Would it please be possible to reset my quest until the point I said I'd join the Silver Crown so that I can go from scratch ?
-If not get this no drop document to try to finish this quest ?

Thank you for your attention and sorry for my newbness, I guess I was too tired yesterday to try a complex series of quest like this one, otherwise good job on it, I should have started earlier.
Pets will not accept no drop items. Also, be considerably more specific.
Thx for the quick answer, I must have deleted the item apparently. Thing is, I spent some time giving the item to the correct NPC's (blacksmith, tailor, lumberjack, soldiers...) and redid it , but the trader was always saying it was not enough. I would just like to know if there would be some way for me to try again with the item , giving it to ALL soldiers or something (although the numbers he mentioned are pretty clear to me) to have the chance to finish it.
EDIT : I'm here atm, Trader says he told me to give it to cook (same room) blacksmith (outside) lumberjack (plenty around the camp) tailor (two in a house nearby) and 5 soldiers , who are all around the place. Of this I'm sure I gave it to the correct people in correct numbers, it is trivial.
I had the same problem , until I tried it in exact order spoken.. not sure if it matters or not

Duh the same order...I didn't think about that o_O but I don't remember seeing a thing about this on the sentences of the Trader...I'd like to be able to test it :s
OK after waiting and looking around, I guess I won't be able to finish the Heartland's quests... too bad but my bad I assume, should have payed attention not to destroy the paper, but I would never have guessed I had to give the directives to the NPCs in the order the Trader gave them to me ... it's really the first time I screw a quest like this although I like doing quests (I'm on my new NP necro for now :p ) and I'm really confused about how I could apologize for this matter. I would just please like to try another chance at getting the directives, to see if I'm really so dumb not to finish this part of the quest, although I spent a long time in the zone getting focused on the various factions and the lore related.
If something should be traded in exchange such as exp or platinum, I wouldn't mind. But I really wanted to become Lawful Evil !
My apologies, I hope you will consider my request in spite of the enforced rules.
It's been more than 2 weeks I started this thread, and I just abandoned the idea of going deeper in Heartland , so be it.

So I got back to the Main Quest until I was asked to go learn things in the Heartland. And what I feared happened : I met the Dryads that are supposed to teach me what I need to know (don't wanna spoil anything) , until the point I learn another faction might help me in my goal , but of course now the lizards and gnomes don't even speak to me, and the only thing I heard from the head of the Silver Crown was to continue the quest I'm not able to finish (see upward, the problem is I gave the papers to the people in the wrong order and I don't have the papers anymore :( ) , the SC sergeant doesn't say anything, the not named SC citizens just say hi, and I can't join any other faction although SC is dubious and Blackscale is apprehensive . I went to see the goblins in case they would be the ones to help me but as expected they don't talk to me, so back the point I'm screwed.

I might have missed something - I know I already misread a few things in Heartland - and if it is the case I would gladly accept any information that could let me finish this part of the MQ. Otherwise being screwed in 2 major quests for one mistake sounds a bit harsh in my head, and I would just like to ask again if it would ever be possible to unflag me prior to getting the SC quest, or at least let me talk to some NPC to make the MQ even if the Heartland core quest is definitely broken for me, what I clearly understand.
Thank you by advance, great job on the game.
I looked everywhere and it seems I cannot advance anymore. Is there a "reconciliator" NPC around or planned to be ? Any quest I could do to increase the Blackscale faction (since they're already apprehensive) or the Silver Crown ? I need to trigger any of the Hearland named NPCs I'm sure.
Part of the Silver Crown conversation tree will allow you to tell the Trader you want to join but a task is preventing you from doing so.

Then go back and talk to Tasia and abandon the task with a new dialog option that appears and you will be able to continue with the Silver Crown.
Thank you for your answer, I went to Heartland try speaking again with the Dryad, but the dialog is like "I want to ask a question > Where can I find your sisters".
I think you understood I was stuck way before the point I am at, the thing is I already joined the Silver Crown and their leader already gave me a quest , the one to give directives to Silver Crown citizen of Hearltland (lumberjack, 5 soldiers and such...).

The problem is I gave the papers to the good people , but as Valadinx mentioned it might just have been that I didn't give the paper in the proper order (the one spoken by the SC leader) ; hence I was pissed off , destroyed the paper to make room in the inventory (bad idea I know) and decided to see the Blackscale to see if their quest was more on par with my abilities, only to discover no other faction will speak to me : the Blackscale people con apprehensive, sell and buy things, but they don't say anything and load their weapons when I try to speak with them, it's all logical :s . And the council of innovation (don't wanna play the good side ;( ) just say I belong to another faction.

And at some point of the MQ I'm supposed to go back to Heartland and have the help of one of the factions (I'm supposed the one I'm affiliated with, all " must have a different mean to accomplish the deed) to speak to a greater dryad to learn more of the corruption (yeah I'm spoiling, but I'm getting bored :) ) . And if I can't talk to anyone in Heartland, I will not be able to finish any of the quests.

I came up with the idea I could perhaps kill some people of, for example, Silver Crown , to bring back faction with Blackscale, but I suppose it's a long shot because their behaviour doesn't seem influenced by their faction, but alignement (sounds logical). Otherwise I'm in a dire need of deflag or new paper item to finish at least the Main quest, so if someone (Xeldan is the best fit for this I suppose ?) could get in touch with me and explain me something I would be really grateful.
OK I will do shorter : when I kill a member of a heartland faction do I get faction with the others ? I want to try everything besides posting in other threads, hope this one is not totally ignored yet.
By the way it's nice to have my own thread where I can reply to myself. Gonna up my post count with it I guess :10bux:
I don't think you will get faction with the others, and it wouldn't matter anyway because you can join a faction when dubious and they will still talk to you. You get faction by moving up in rank and doing things for the other factions.

I think you are probably stuck, unless you can go to a different part of the silver crown and get a repetitive quest to do over and over to move up in rank without having done this one. It sounds like this was a sort of initiating mission though, so I don't know.
OK this tpoic is pointless now I got an answer, thank you for helping, I will check other silver crown spots but there are surely no way to come back now. I'm just disappointed that I'm flagged with SC without finishing the initiating quest, although I saw with an alt that the "you have joined the SC faction" comes only at the moment you finish this directive quest.
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