Dis, Daughter of Marlow


Dalayan Beginner
I can't locate Dis in the Plane of Nightmare. The wiki says she is "in the river tunnel north of the zone in." All I can find there is The Lurk. I have gone into all the chambers of the tunnels there too, with no luck. Any hints, directions, locs would be appreciated.
If you are looking for her as a raid target, then you have to do REDACTED.
If you are looking for her to do your marlow aug quest, look for her in the worshipper area.
Yes, it is as marlow aug quest. Not sure where the worshipper area is, but I will check around.
I found her, but now she won't talk to me. I am amiable to her, but she does not answer my hail to give me the quest about the Green Muse. Any advice?
Moving this to quest section. Post the characters name if you want any official help on it.
Flag wise you seem to be in the right place. Talking to her is what you need to do. I'm afraid without being in game (at work atm), I can't diagnose it further than that. I'll be on later to check, but it will unfortunately be awhile. You can try a petition to see if any other Dev wants to try their hand on it.
I am worried about petitioning because the warning says that this is one of the types I should not petition about. Don't want to get in trouble.
I am going to log now anyway. Will check in later tonight and hopefully Cyzaine will have had a chance to check into my problem more. Thanks.
You won't get in trouble for a petition for a legitimate problem. It's just not THAT likely you'll get a response. Complex quests are a pain to trouble shoot, particularly if you aren't the dev. But ya, I'll try to find you later today.
Thanks, Cyzaine. The character is Zartov. Standing in front of Dis right now.

Are you in the maze talking to dys or did you go to her area through the portal, I spent a significant amount of time thinking this was bugged because the quest never told you to meet her in the back of the maze. just to reiterate this:
You need to go to the very very back end of the maze you portal into with your neck, she will spawn in one of the areas and talk to you. You do not talk to the giant dys in the graveyard area.
I was indeed in the area through the portal. I will try to find her at the back of the maze. It is confusing to have 3 versions of her.
I found the quest version and all is well now. I should have realized that the missing * from the one in the graveyard was important. Thanks for your help Otcho and Cyzaine.
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