"Dieing" on gate


Dalayan Beginner
This has happened the last 3 times I gated on my wizard. When I gate (or port) the client says I'm dead but then it just stays frozen. I close the client and come back and everything is fine. I have all my buffs and no exp debt. Any ideas what could be causing this?

It doesnt happen when I cross zone lines, just when I gate.
I hadn't mentioned I had perma KEI, Iksar Illusion and Aego. I had KEI and Iksar first. The problem started a few gates after I had Aego. Someone said to kill off the chracter to fix it. I took off Aego (since I'm such an Iksar whore and didnt want to click that off or KEI :D ) and the problem seems to have fixed itself. A GM said it was a server/client buff synch issue. Perhaps it happens on HP buffs only? Maybe because at lower levels Aego makes more of a difference?

Anyone wanna perma Aego me again? :D
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