Del Jarels: Newport Magician Quest


Dalayan Beginner
I am quite a way into Del Jarels' Newport Magician Quest.

I am at the stage where he has asked me to go away and find a field crucible, a bone pestle and some black ichor.

I think his exact wording is something like " ichor from the ground at Shrouded Isle..."

Now, I've spent the last several levels searching round Shrouded Isle looking for a ground spawn to no avail. I think I've covered everywhere in that zone now.
My question is, am I actually looking for a ground spawn? Does it actually exist?

Thanks in advance...
Ah splendid. I could have sworn I'd checked in all the hedgish, mazish places but I must've missed it.
Nope. I'm not having it.

There's definately no ground spawns in the hedge mazes. :psyduck:
I am looking for the standard little bag ground spawn, right?
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