Deity Aug


Dalayan Adventurer
Okay, I bought a new charm upgrade and used a solution to unaug my old charm. When I was reaug'ing the new charm I noticed that I was missing my Deity Augment. I am pledged to Althuna, and I have no clue when it poofed to be honest.

I /petition'd and was told to post in the bug thread. I am believing that I either failed to unaug the charm during my previous charm upgrade or it just unaug'ed and vanished. I believe it to be the latter, tbh. Reason being is because Abitter and I have upgraded our charms together and we are both missing our deity aug.

Melson, druid
Abitter, beastlord

I can post more information if you just let me know what will help you identify what/when/where things went AWOL.

Thanks and sorry :/
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