Decay Lord Grindrun's Quest is bugged


Dalayan Beginner
There is a newbie Necromancer quest in the Newport Sewers that starts with Decay Lord Grindrun. The first part of the quest went fine. As I start to do the second, it says I need to kill a Newport Citizen, and the wiki and quest says I will not take a hit to faction. Well I go and manage to kill a citizen and low and behold my faction with the Newport Guards has gotten worse! I asked about it over chat and a few other Necromancers told me the same thing, that it doesn't work like it is supposed to. Now I am kill on sight in Newport. I went to the Reconcillator in Centaur hills and I realize the cost to fix my faction is 64 Platinum (that I barely have) and hours of picking crops for the farmer. All to get a piece of lowbie Necro gear. That is a great way to introduce players, by giving misleading quest info and making it more hassle than it's worth to get it fixed. No one else make the same mistake I did and stay away from Decay Lord Grindrun.
I did it about a month ago or two and did not have this problem. Did you maybe just gain heat? If you gain heat you become KoS for a while but eventually you are ok again.
The reference to the possibility of negative faction adjustments was removed
from all of the Sewer Necro Quests that have them on the wiki. Lord knows why.

That said the quest itself says to "cloak yourself in shadows when you are speaking to Larun.'"
and talk to Larun to fix it for you. You will need level 8 for the spell "Gather Shadows"

It is very easy to get to level 8 entirely in the sewers, get the spell, then talk to Larun.
Now, it is possible the quest may be bugged so type /log before you talk to him.
If it is you can contact someone in IRC on where to send it. It will be fixed in time,
but not immediately.

The end result of the quest sequence, "Amulet of the Cult Voice", is worth the trouble
because of cult gate. You will have this piece on you for the rest of your necromancer career.
With this, you don't care about the mundane likes or dislikes of Newport and most other cities.
Athica being a grouping area is different, be careful there. But you can still gank the targets
if careful.

As a Necro, you will have to take care with any kill quests that occur in cities.
They all have the possibility of negative faction in the target city.
Now that said, you chose a class which exists in contravention to the
norms of a lawful, ordered society. Expect to be hated. Your quests
are not going to be "Help Farmer Brown get his chickens to market" or whatever
lame shit goods do. More like "Target A has offended a powerful nobleman in City Y.
Go to that city, kill A, and bring back "Proof of Demise"."

Last, this quest line is a good introduction to the rest of your necromancer career.
If you don't go limp and do something like pledge yourself to the water whore Althuna,
you will be assassinating targets in every city in the game.

It's great fun killing the innocent or enslaving them to your will.

velleity 65 necro
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The reference to the possibility of negative faction adjustments was removed
from all of the Sewer Necro Quests that have them on the wiki. Lord knows why.

That said the quest itself says to "cloak yourself in shadows when you are speaking to Larun.'"
and talk to Larun to fix it for you. You will need level 8 for the spell "Gather Shadows"

It is very easy to get to level 8 entirely in the sewers, get the spell, then talk to Larun.
Now, it is possible the quest may be bugged so type /log before you talk to him.
If it is you can contact someone in IRC on where to send it. It will be fixed in time,
but not immediately.

The end result of the quest sequence, "Amulet of the Cult Voice", is worth the trouble
because of cult gate. You will have this piece on you for the rest of your necromancer career.
With this, you don't care about the mundane likes or dislikes of Newport and most other cities.
Athica being a grouping area is different, be careful there. But you can still gank the targets
if careful.

As a Necro, you will have to take care with any kill quests that occur in cities.
They all have the possibility of negative faction in the target city.
Now that said, you chose a class which exists in contravention to the
norms of a lawful, ordered society. Expect to be hated. Your quests
are not going to be "Help Farmer Brown get his chickens to market" or whatever
lame shit goods do. More like "Target A has offended a powerful nobleman in City Y.
Go to that city, kill A, and bring back "Proof of Demise"."

Last, this quest line is a good introduction to the rest of your necromancer career.
If you don't go limp and do something like pledge yourself to the water whore Althuna,
you will be assassinating targets in every city in the game.

It's great fun killing the innocent or enslaving them to your will.

velleity 65 necro

Everything said here is 100% true.
i especially like the counter-intuitiveness of the 2nd amulet quest, where you kill one of the acolytes. When i received the quest i just went right up and killed one... didnt finish the quest, so i killed the other one.... hey wait a minute... why is the guildmaster and all the spell vendors and suppliers conning dubious... oh goodie, time to reroll.

At least put in the text to speak to each one first or something.. tell me to kill someone and ill kill them, not hail them first, what the hell do i care about talking to someone who's going to be dead in 15 seconds.
"Decay Lord Grindrun smiles coldly, 'To become an Aspiring Cultist, you need only do one simple thing, Acolyte. You must kill one of your fellow Acolytes to show that you are the one worthy of rising in rank.' he gestures at Imden and Vira, 'Speak to the other two Acolytes and choose either of them to fight and kill. When one of them lies dead, you will be elevated. Just make sure you announce to the chosen Acolyte that they are to be picked before you attack, so that we do not misunderstand you, hmm?'

This is the text of the Grindrun's kill request for the third quest, which requires the death of an acolyte. You didn't read it.
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