Where in the hell are you at these days son? You need to PM or Email me some time. Love, Kari
W wolfwalkerEci Banned Jerk Jun 18, 2010 #1 Where in the hell are you at these days son? You need to PM or Email me some time. Love, Kari
Renshu Dalayan Elder Jun 18, 2010 #2 Man, all those times you got Luas in for archaic on raids. Now we've gotten archaic for 2 other necros.
Man, all those times you got Luas in for archaic on raids. Now we've gotten archaic for 2 other necros.
W wolfwalkerEci Banned Jerk Jun 18, 2010 #3 Yea dude I gave up after awhile. Got to the point where I just didnt care anymore. Was surprised I even managed to stay online today for more then 10min. Got a whole 1percent into a tome. Game just doesnt hold my attention anymore.
Yea dude I gave up after awhile. Got to the point where I just didnt care anymore. Was surprised I even managed to stay online today for more then 10min. Got a whole 1percent into a tome. Game just doesnt hold my attention anymore.