hi ...im trying to play your server but im get stuck in the eula screen ..i scroll to eccept button and pointer disapears...try to alt tab and nothing try to control alt delet to get to my control pannel and nothing. i need some help bad .. been at this sinced yesterday evening.
ms windows 7
amd phenom 9550 quad core 2200mhz
8g ram
Nvidia gforce 9800gt 1g video
and i bought the
EverQuest: Evolution digital download....i can play the original trial from **** but i really dont want to pay 15bux a month for game that i might not come back too.
i also down loaded the sod laucher in the eq file patched it checked 3 buttons use eqw..runafter patch...bind affinity to processor (1)
first box path is : C:\Program Files (x86)\****\EverQuest
second box path is : C:\Program Files (x86)\****\EverQuest\eqgame.exe
with fix eqclient.ini box checked
ms windows 7
amd phenom 9550 quad core 2200mhz
8g ram
Nvidia gforce 9800gt 1g video
and i bought the
EverQuest: Evolution digital download....i can play the original trial from **** but i really dont want to pay 15bux a month for game that i might not come back too.
i also down loaded the sod laucher in the eq file patched it checked 3 buttons use eqw..runafter patch...bind affinity to processor (1)
first box path is : C:\Program Files (x86)\****\EverQuest
second box path is : C:\Program Files (x86)\****\EverQuest\eqgame.exe
with fix eqclient.ini box checked