


The patcher keeps freezing on the file dawnshroud_chr.txt It has done this on both computers that I tried to setup on, when I followed the setup instructions perfectly. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be?
I am not sure what the problem is, but I suffered from it as well...

It is easily fixed however, go to the downloads selection on the main page, and select and download Patchfiles direct download

The open your "WRPatcher" folder (C:\WRPatcher\ by default) and unzip the files into your "WRFiles" folder (Again, C:\WRPatcher\wrfiles\]C:WRPatcher\wrfiles\ by default)

And that should fix your problem.
I got around that, now when I try to enter the server (get to server select just fine) the game just closes itself.....

I don't know how your computer might be handling it, but you might be getting a 1017. Which is what I am getting, me and probably anyone else who has patched to Live since the release of Dragons of Norrath.

So did you just recently install EQ and you had to patch to DoN?
I just patched today, but I had the DoN checkbox off, and it was a fresh install.

Should I uninstall and try again?
What should I do? Three of my friends completely reinstalled and patched and they are not having this problem. I ran the fix for the error that is sticked at the top of the thread and no luck.....

bah I suck ><
Anonymous said:
What should I do? Three of my friends completely reinstalled and patched and they are not having this problem. I ran the fix for the error that is sticked at the top of the thread and no luck.....

bah I suck ><

Now that I wish I understood, in any case, I am using my Platinum cd's to install EQ to the period right after the release of Gates of Discord, and I shouldn't need to patch. If I still get the 1017 error I am going to suggest that you and I are missing a step that is quite crucial to play.
oh well, I just reinstalled and things are still not working. I am not sure what the issue is.
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