Dawnlord Ghorlan Questline


Dalayan Beginner
So I finished collecting the lowbie sashes in Southern Wastes of Tarhyl and turned them in to the Dawnlord Ghorlan in Oasis. I had not gotten the Master Headband but thought I would try to turn in the Broken Ancient Crown anyways and wouldn't you know it worked he gave me the prize for the next quest in the series! However he would not let me have the final quest so I proceeded to get the master headband. I grabbed quite a few and turned them in but now he is only giving me the quest to turn in the Broken Ancient Crown even though I've turned it in already. So I went and got another one but he won't accept it. So I tried to delete the prize for turning in the Broken Ancient Crown (Dawn Blessed Idol), but still he won't accept the crown. End of the day I can't proceed to the final quest and I'm out the Dawn Blessed Idol. Can the questline be reset or
does anyone else have a suggestion on what to do now?

Thanks for any help!!

In game: Hazzer 60 Necro
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