Dawn Shard in Cauldron of Dawn?


Dalayan Beginner
Over the past week I've been camping the Amice of the Golden Dawn quest shard in Cauldron of Dawn. I must have been to that zone 20 times at all sorts of times, camp it on and off during the day for hours, camp/log on there etc. It's the only piece I need still. I find it increadibly hard to believe, even with a multi-hour spawn timer that this thing STILL isn't there. All of the other shards I have, and have had for some time now. I think it's also of note that in all the time I've spent there I have never once seen another soul in zone. Am I going crazy or what? Was this piece moved? Is it not spawning here anymore? Anyone gotten it recently? Is there some crazy band of people running into never used zones and snatching up barely visible quest pieces in hard to access areas of obscure zones and deleteing them for fun?
Perhaps you have the worst timing ever. I got mine a few days ago just fine. Only missed it once and that was because Thizik had run through a few hours ago.
finally got it today, i guess i just had the absolute worst luck. probobly got it because i had posted this and therefore it had to spawn to make me look stupid ;p
got most of mine, had no trouble w/the one from there. The one I'm currently having trouble on is the island giant one, kedge, cod, and gobskull ones posed no trouble at all.
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