Dark Rot Spreading - Two Issues


Dalayan Adventurer
Allielyn asked me to make a post about these two issues here.

1) Dark Rot is spreading to NPCs from players and, in turn from NPCs to other players. Last night around 1:20 am CST, Flicks was infected in DN with dark rot stage two by either a black snake or a faded dragon. According to the news listed on the front page of the main site, this change was made about a week ago:

- NPCs can no longer be infected by players.

This is now bugged. This is pretty demoralizing as I took extreme extra care with my guild's secondary tank to not get him infected with the rot. At the time he was infected, only myself on Tsabayne (stage one, contained) and Flicks, who was not infected, were in the zone, DN. I ran from the enterence directly to the first wandering dragon, engaged it, killed it and the add snake. I then notice that Flicks had contracted the rot, and by the time I scroll up to screenprint the occurrence it was already gone, as I have not really modified the UI for when I play flicks, since I just use him as a bot. I also noticed that when Flicks got the Rot that two corpses were nearby, Yarga and Osherk.

I petitioned and Allielyn said that since I did not have a screenshot of the occurrence, she cannot do anything for me. I asked if the logs could be checked, but apparently this is not something that can be done.

2) Flicks caught the rot at stage 2. I was under the impression (as was Allielyn) that you can only catch the rot at stage 1, meaning if somone has stage 2 and they give you the Rot, they give it to you at stage 1.

These two issues are very alarming to me. It seems that players are able to pass the rot to NPCs via procs, then the NPCs can pass it back to players, and the rot passed back to players is done so at the level given to the NPC. This means that if I was to be a douchebag and go proc Rot stage three on a raidmob, I could get a whole guild infected at stage 3.


Definitely something that needs to be looked at I would think, especially considering the stage seems to be advanced upon contraction of the disease.
NPCs cant be infected by proximity, but they CAN be infected by attacking them. This is not a bug.
there IS some sort of text bug related to dark rot, however:

ok... you're right, that was rotting plague, lol... WELL, there is one at least for it to be spread to someone who already has it, guess i got over-active in trying to catch it without just sitting in a city all day long.
I'm somewhat resurrecting the topic for a question about contracting stage 2 Dark Rot.

Adfain said:
2) Flicks caught the rot at stage 2. I was under the impression (as was Allielyn) that you can only catch the rot at stage 1, meaning if somone has stage 2 and they give you the Rot, they give it to you at stage 1.

Is this supposed to happen, or is it a bug?

I was infected with Dark Rot (stage 2) at level 11. :(
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