dark elf shadow knight in Grobb


Dalayan Beginner
I am running a dark elf and decided to be a shadow knight.. all was going good, got the newbie quests from the master etc.
but upon completing the quests, the rewards (helm, bracers, etc) were only good for Iskars and Trolls..
if this is the only starting place for a dark-elf shadow knight, shouldn't they be able to use the rewards upon completing the quests? especially since the quest is given to you by the master of you craft?

Mundunugu the Sorcerer
Please don't /bug quest problems. You're better off posting them here as I can usually fix most problems immediately. I'll get this fixed asap so dark elves can wear the armor.
Ah! Thanks :-D

Just in most other posts it's the opposite - "please don't put bug reports here, /bug them".

I'll know for future, and thanks for the quick response :)

(Just out of interest, do you aim to work to the inverse of Companie's response times?)

Thank you for the quick response! I'm sorry I don't have all the item names, I havn't finished all the quests yet, but I do have the first 3 glittering prizes in the bank, can't wait to try them on!!
if there is an equivalent to a dark-elf happy dance, I'm doing it now

Mundunugu <Mavor the DE-SHD>

If it helps, the items in question are Squire's Armguards of Discipline, Squire's Helm of Faith, Squires Vambraces of Might... and this is as far as I got so far....

thanks again :hug:

Mundunugu the Sorceror
How were you able to complete the part with Spirit Talker Grekal? I'm on that part and have all the quest components, but no matter how I turn them in he won't give me a quest update! :mad:
SK quest

do you remember what items you were supposed to get? I don't remember.. refresh my memory and I'll tell which ones I used.. I'm working on the forth item now but they still havn't patched them for dark elves yet.. not sure if I'll have to do the quests again, if I even can, or if the fix will incoperate the items I already have <?> but anyways.. list the items and I'll tell you where I got mine from...

Mavor Antaries, Knight of Shadows
<Mundunugu the Sorcerer>
It asks you to get 2 mushroom caps, 2 vials of leech blood, a snake poison gland, and 3 dreamweave moss.

Now, the only mushroom caps I have been able to come across are the "Heady Mushroom Caps" that drop in Stinger's.

The vials of leech blood I take it are the little pink globes (the ones that look like the web sacs the drachnids in the other commercial online game drop) called just "Leech Blood"

Snake poison gland is straight-forward as just a "Snake Poison Gland"

and the 3 moss are straight-forward as well.

I try to give him the required amount of the materials I have, but he just gives them right back to me.
I've updated the armor locally to include dark elves, but it'll take a patch for it to be updated on the server.
sk quest

Yaaay! thanks Xeldan!

it's the leech blood.. there is a drop that looks like an organ thing.. then there is one that looks like a stackable vial.. I'm pretty sure it's the vial variety that you need, I had the same problem and tried using first one then the other.. one of them worked and I *think* it was the vial one.. to save time you can usually buy them form the vendor right outside the gates.....
hope this helps!

Mundunugu the Sorcerer
It must be broken for Iksar then, as I have tried turning in both varieties and neither work, he just hands them back to me.

was there a bag or something that you have to combine everything in?
I remember having the same issue, but but after trying the different leech things I finally got it, the mushroom caps are right and the poison gland should be good... did he hand back the bar of dark metal thingy? if so turn that in as well....

sorry I couldnt' be of more help, it *should* work for iskars since the original award is ISK and TRL...

me too

Well now I wish I didn't destroy my bracer...

Ogre SK's start in Grobb as well. Same deal. I completed the first quest (bracer) and now I believe its Troll / Iksar / Dark Elf. What about the big guys?
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