Dark Elf Magician Newbie Quest


Dalayan Adventurer
The DE Magician Newbie quest in Oggok could use a revamp:

After killing lizardmen from levels 4 through 10, and not finding a single 'Lizardman Tribal Dagger', I ran into someone who had one. (Literately over 100 lizardmen killed and I did not find one dagger.)

I did the hand-in, completed the newbie quest, and received a 2hb staff that is: 6dmg 34dly, +2cha +10mana.

At level 8, magicians receive the spell: staff of tracing. This spell summons a 2hb staff that is: 5dmg 22dly +10mana.

I suggest both upping the drop rate of the now-rare dagger, and changing the stats of the quest reward, Assembly Apprentice's Staff, for the better.
The dagger has about a 30% chance to drop. You got terribly unlucky or killed the wrong lizards if you killed 100 before seeing one drop. I'll improve the staff a bit though.
I was killing outcasts. Only after did I notice there are Pariah's too. Maybe put the name 'Pariah', or some RP text like 'Spell-casting', in the quest text too- it would limit confusion.
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