Cult of Entropy


Dalayan Beginner
I'd like to join the Cult of Entropy, however I've already blown my faction for the Church of the Deep One. Is there a way to start the Shroud of the Deep Priest Quest to join Entropy with out speaking to Deepmaster Talain? I've done the starting quests with Cult Priest Vanissa, but she hangs up after turning in the War Mead. I'd really like to progress with Entropy but it seems i've reached a dead end. I've read on the forums that there is no way to increase Church of the Deep One faction. It seems strange that an evil cleric needs good faction to join evil.

Nalasm Scaleheart
I'd like to join the Cult of Entropy, however I've already blown my faction for the Church of the Deep One. Is there a way to start the Shroud of the Deep Priest Quest to join Entropy with out speaking to Deepmaster Talain? I've done the starting quests with Cult Priest Vanissa, but she hangs up after turning in the War Mead. I'd really like to progress with Entropy but it seems i've reached a dead end. I've read on the forums that there is no way to increase Church of the Deep One faction. It seems strange that an evil cleric needs good faction to join evil.

Nalasm Scaleheart

I believe you can pledge to gradalsh and obtain cult faction
I've already pledged to another deity many moons ago. I've been role playing the evil cleric for years now and just learned of the Entropy Cult.
I'd like to join the Cult of Entropy, however I've already blown my faction for the Church of the Deep One. Is there a way to start the Shroud of the Deep Priest Quest to join Entropy with out speaking to Deepmaster Talain? I've done the starting quests with Cult Priest Vanissa, but she hangs up after turning in the War Mead. I'd really like to progress with Entropy but it seems i've reached a dead end. I've read on the forums that there is no way to increase Church of the Deep One faction. It seems strange that an evil cleric needs good faction to join evil.

Nalasm Scaleheart

It is required currently to do the Shroud quest and choose to become part of the Cult of Entropy through said quest line currently.
cant you go kill some hands of althuna and paladins in north newport to get your cult of entropy faction up also?
No, you have to have faction with the deep one and follow the quest line. ONLY THEN can you join Entropy.
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