CTD as soon as the game loads.


Dalayan Beginner
I'm having trouble getting the game to load. When I run the patcher, it completes successfully and appears to be up to date. If I run with EQW, it loads the Rules screen for about half a second before closing to desktop. If I run without EQW, I get a full screen black screen for about 10 seconds before a CTD.

I'm running Windows 8 with the most up to date Nvidia drivers. Have reinstalled the drivers, as well as repatching the EQLive and running the SoD patcher again completely.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I've only seen one other post here about Windows 8, and that was to say SoD didn't run (as well as some other less pleasant things about the OS.)

Since the OS hasn't even officially released yet, might be a bit before more people have feedback. Also worth asking, since you didn't mention your hardware and you're using a tablet OS, are you trying to run it on a tablet?
Thanks for the reply. No, I'm running on a PC. Just running the Windows 8 Development Release. Trying to play this game on a tablet sounds like an exercise in futility. Lol.

Windows 8 Dev 64-bit
Intel Core i7 2.6Ghz
6 Gigs DDR3 RAM
Nvidia Geforce 570 w/ Driver 306.97 - WHQL
Up to date NET framework, but from what I've read I don't think that matters anymore.

Since Windows 8 may alone be enough to cause a problem, I'll try to run the patcher in compatibility mode for an earlier OS and report my findings. Also installing a new Linux distro and I'll see if I can get the game going there as well.

If anyone else has tried Windows 8, or has experienced the problem I've described otherwise I would still appreciate any additional feedback.
I'm installing 8 in a VM as we speak. I'll probably see if I can get SoD running in it out of morbid curiosity.
I am running it on Windows 8 as of last night. Windows 8 actually released today and has been in RTM status for about a month prior. I've been using the OS with little issue for quite some time now.

My one issue thus far is that there do seem to be some memory issues occasionally, but overall SoD has been running ok.

Sorry I have no specific advice, just wanted to give the counter-position that I'm using Win8 fine with SoD.
Thanks for the reply. Good to know that someone has been able to get it working at least. I've tried running it in compatibility mode for Windows XP, Vista and 7 with no change to the behavior.
Update. Still looking for more answers. Since posting I have completely uninstalled, deleted everything from the directory and reinstalled. I confirmed that I was successfully able to load and play EQLive. I repatched and tested again with the same result.

I did a remote login to a friend's PC and took his entire working SoD folder and tested it without making any changes or repatching, and it behaves exactly the same. Based on suggestions in IRC I updated the eqhost to match the IPs they provided, have set the resolution to match my desktop resolution in the eqclient.ini, set EQW to always run as Admin, ran the patcher as Admin, still no change.

I continue to see the Rules screen for less than 1 second the crash to desktop when using EQW or without EQW with windowed mode enabled in the eqclient.ini. Without EWQ without windowed mode I get a full screen black screen for about 10 seconds and then crash to desktop.
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