Crystal Blade of Air


Dalayan Elder
I got this item a very long time ago on a pick up raid late one night. After I learned of the item lore I mostly kept the info to myself, trying to be the first to solve this potentially profitable quest.
I sat on it long enough and think this is most likely a bug anyways.

This is from High Scholar Dalish in Tasineth

Temellin and Allielyn are pretty clueless on the matter
Wiz said:
Have you tried using it in a forge.

Yes I have, and I have never encountered anything that would possibly even reference it.

Have you tried using it in your face? :toot:
How about we test various recipes to see what comes of it? After all, incorrect combines will simply return the item. No fear of losing it.

So, which combines have you tried?
Kas helped me out with this.
Apparently there's a counterpart in Air that combine together, but you would only know this if you have seen them both drop!
2x 1hs combine into 1x 2hs, then you can revert them back if you want.

Maybe Kas will fill us in.

It's low-end PoAir, so it's not going to be all that awesome
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