Create Char Crash


Dalayan Beginner
While creating a character I crash, I went and made sure the WRFix folder was downloaded and unzipped into my Everquest folder and I am still haveing the problem of it crashing every time I go to create a char.
Need help with this please! ;(
Hmm, a friend of mine was having the same problems, unfortunately I cannot recall what the fix was.
Thanks, I'll give it a try and give you guys a heads up on if it works or not.

EDIT: Still crashing after downloading and extracting the Default_UI file into the Everquest folder.
You think it might be the resolution I am playing the game at that could be crashing it? I'll mess around with a couple things and see what I get. Anymore insight would be awesome.

EDIT2: Wait, is there some other folder I should be putting the Default_UI file into. Such as the original UI file for Everquest. Or deleting EQs UI folder?
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